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The Music and Performing Arts Archive of Navarre

Navarre has an important musical and theatrical tradition which, over the centuries, has generated an invaluable documentary legacy. While it is an important part of our cultural heritage, most of it is currently dispersed and not publicly known, and therefore runs the risk of being irreplaceably lost.

For some time, professionals and organisations from the world of music, dance and theatre had been demanding solutions to this problem from the Government of Navarre. In 2017, the government’s Department of Culture, Sport and Youth, in response to these public demands and basing itself on solid arguments regarding the urgent need to undertake initiatives to conserve, disseminate and highlight the Community’s documentary heritage relative to music, dance and theatre, decided to promote a project to remedy the situation. Against this backdrop, the Directorate General of Culture - Institución Príncipe de Viana proposed that the Music and Performing Arts Archive of Navarre be created and organised through the Archive and Documentary Heritage Service, the management of which has been entrusted to the Royal and General Archive of Navarre.

All documentary collections connected to the different manifestations of MUSIC, DANCE and THEATRE in Navarre, whoever they belong to (public or private) and whatever their origin (entities, associations, professionals, private individuals, etc.), are eligible to form part of this archive.